JAMES HILLMAN (1926–2011)
The pioneering imaginative psychology of JAMES HILLMAN (1926–2011) spans five decades. It has entered cultural history, affecting lives and minds in a wide range of fields. For the creativity of his thinking, the originator of Archetypal Psychology and author of A Terrible Love of War, The Soul’s Code, The Force of Character, Re-Visioning Psychology, and The Myth of Analysis, has received many honors, including the Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Republic. He has held distinguished lectureships at the Universities of Yale, Princeton, Chicago, and Syracuse, and his books have been translated into some twenty languages.
In 2004 SPRING began publication of the clothbound Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman that unites major lectures, occasional writings, scholarly essays, clinical papers, and interviews—arranged thematically.
Paperback original, 266 pages, $25
ISBN: 978-0-88214-183-1
Kindle/Apple Books, $9.99
ISBN: 978-0-88214-184-8
First published in 1979 and edited by JAMES HILLMAN, Puer Papers examines the archetype of the puer aeternus—the radiant, aloof, sensitive, and eternal youth—in myth and poetry. Nine papers by JAMES BAIRD, THOMAS COWAN, JAMES HILLMAN, THOMAS MOORE, HENRY A. MURRAY, and RANDOLPH SEVERSON are examining the full range of puer phenomena. This eminently practical book grounds the archetype in the real earth of the human condition, where the puer’s flights and problems are relevant to diagnosis, dream analysis hermeneutics, societal movements, and literary criticism. This newly revised and emended edition serves both as a stand-alone reader on the psychology of the puer archetype and as a companion to Senex & Puer, vol. 3 of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman.
Primary Papers in
Archetypal Psychology
Paperback original, 220 pages, $22
ISBN: 978-0-88214-980-6
Kindle/Apple Books, $9.99
ISBN: 978-0-88214-978-3
Blending case histories with myth, clinical fact with imaginative meaning, this book, with its profound appreciation of history and biography, of the arts, ideas, and culture, trains the senses to perceive the face of the soul. In papers on abandonment, nostalgia, betrayal, schism, failure, and masturbation, Hillman shows that pathology belongs intrinsically to the psyche and that it reveals the unchanging, necessary, fecund depths of human nature. “A Brief Note on Story” pleads for a “story sense,” a deeply therapeutic awareness of how mythic persons and archetypal events influence the psyche by conditioning perceptions, generating meanings, and shaping our lives, while another essay associates archetypal psychology with neoplatonism, the elegant, cultured, psychological vision of Plotinus, Ficino, and Vico.
Together, these twelve essays and talks affirm the polyvalent, shadowed reality of the psyche and afford an example of subtle, nuanced psychological thought. For psychotherapists, analysts, counselors, and the general reader.
An Anatomy of a Personified Notion
(with 439 excerpts from the writings of C. G. Jung
Paperback original, 200 pages, $22
ISBN: 978-0-88214-316-3
Kindle/Apple Books, $9.99
ISBN: 978-0-88214-042-1
This excursion is intended to supplement the main literature on the anima. Since that literature provides a goodly phenomenology of the experience of anima, I shall look here more closely at the rather neglected phenomenology of the notion of anima. Experience and notion affect each other reciprocally. Not only do we derive our notions out of our experiences in accordance with the fantasy of empiricism, but also our notions condition the nature of our experiences.
Paperback original, 76 pages, $20
ISBN: 978-0-88214-953-0
Kindle/Apple Books, $9.99
ISBN: 978-0-88214-003-2
Two groundbreaking essays, “The Thought of the Heart” and “Anima Mundi: The Return of the Soul to the World,” by James Hillman that launched Archetypal Psychology and began the renaissance of a psychology that returns psychic reality to the world. Following Marsilio Ficino, who was the first to place the soul in the center of his vision, Hillman argues for a psychology that reflects the world it works in.
Paperback original, 148 pages, $20
ISBN: 978-0-88214-077-3
Kindle/Apple Books, $9.99
ISBN: 978-0-88214-597-6
This book is Hillman’s main analysis of analysis. He asks the basic question, “What does the soul want?” With insight and humor he answers, “It wants fictions that heal.”
Psychology and Religion
Paperback original, 120 pages, $20
ISBN: 978-0-88214-512-9
Kindle/Apple Books, $9.99
ISBN: 978-0-88214-006-3
Originally a series of lectures connecting Jungian psychology and pastoral counseling, this book has since been used widely to introduce the psychology of soul to the helping professions. Four straightforward chapters move through the dilemmas of practice, deepening inward for reversing the gradual replacement of “soul” with its religious interiority by the colder objectivity of “psyche,” so as to return psychotherapy to its basic calling—the care of soul.
As James Hillman writes in the postscript: “Why are we numb to the soul in things other than our selves? Why are we numb to speak to and with this soul out there? Is it really lost, or fiercely defended against? What investment has our culture in its locus only inside us, and is ‘search’ with all its collaterals like ‘journey,’ ‘trials,’ and ‘guides’ the right term for reestablishing connection? Might it not be far simpler just to step outside, or walk around your room, and do what the Psalmist said: ‘O taste and see.’ Soul is in, or is, the very first matter to hand.”
Paperback original, 204 pages, $20
ISBN: 978-0-88214-227-2
Kindle/Apple Books, $9.99
ISBN: 978-0-88214-902-8
With this book James Hillman initiated the “soul movement” in
psychotherapy more than fifty years ago. Soul and suicide are dominant issues of this new millennium; soul because it cannot be reduced to genes and chromosomes; suicide because it raises fundamental religious, political, and legal conflicts. As Hillman writes in the Postscript to the second edition: “The individual consists of more than his or her personal individuality. Something besides ‘myself’ inhabits the soul, takes part in its life and has a say in its death … We need a … definition of self as the interiorization of community. Suicide, literally ‘self-killing,’ now would mean both a killing of community and involvement of community in the killing.”
This new edition is introduced by the eminent psychiatrist and pioneering social critic Thomas Szasz.
Third, revised edition
Paperback original, 164 pages, $22
ISBN: 978-0-88214-088-9
Kindle/Apple Books, $9.99
ISBN: 978-0-88214-000-1
This brilliant book brings Pan back to life by following C. G. Jung’s famous saying that the gods have become our diseases. Chapters on nightmare panic, masturbation, rape and nympholepsy, instinct and synchronicity, and Pan’s female lovers—Echo, Syrinx, Selene, and the Muses—show the goat-god at work and play in the dark drives and creative passions of our lives. (Includes a full translation of EPHIALTES, Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher’s masterful nineteenth-century mythological-pathological treatise on Pan and the demons of the night).
Second, revised edition
Paperback original, 212 pages, $25
ISBN: 978-0-88214-955-4
Kindle/Apple Books, $9.99
ISBN: 978-0-88214-956-1
The gods have become diseases, said C. G. Jung, and the nine chapters in this volume show how major figures of the Greek mythological imagination are still at work in the contemporary psyche. This book is both reliably scholarly and intuitively psychological. It offers the reader ways of finding mythical backgrounds for personal experience. Here we can feel how the gods and goddesses influence symptoms, ideas, attitudes, relationships, and dream imagery.
With essays by James Hillman (on Ariadne and Dionysus), Karl Kerényi (on Artemis), René Malamud (on Amazons), Murray Stein (on Hephaistos), David L. Miller (on Rhea), Barbara Kirksey (on Hestia), William G. Doty (on Hermes), and Chris Downing (on Ariadne).
Second edition
Paperback original, 182 pages, $24
ISBN: 978-0-88214-095-7
Kindle/Apple Books, $9.99
ISBN: 978-0-88214-002-5
Two world-reknowned psychologists give detailed accounts of C. G. Jung’s personality types—the most famous part of his psychology—with examples, anecdotes, and humor.
In her essay, “The Inferior Function,” Marie-Louise von Franz shows the inferior shadow side of each of the eight kinds of typical functioning, while James Hillman differentiates in his essay, “The Feeling Function,” genuine feeling from look-alikes and substitutes.
Both essays are a rich source of ideas for study and an enjoyable guide for self-discovery. Full of psychological insights into personal habits, temperaments, and character.
Studies in Literature and Psychoanalysis
Third, revised edition 2022
Paperback original, 100 pages, $20
ISBN: 978-0-88214-990-5
Kindle/Apple Books, $9.99
ISBN: 978-0-88214-991-2
A deeper, richer portrait of Oedipus, the most famous figure in all of Greek tragedy and the (unconscious?!) hero of the basic myth of psychoanalysis by two giants in the fields of mythology and psychology: the eminent mythographer Karl Kerényi and the founder of archetypal psychology, James Hillman.
Kerényi widens the Oedipus myth’s cultural context by introducing unusual dramatic versions that played in Rome, Paris, Vienna, and London. His authoritative and detailed essays release wonderful insights for even the most casual reader.
Hillman takes on Father Freud and his Oedipus complex (i.e., every son wants to kill his father and marry his mother). He inverts the emphasis and asks, Why do fathers kill their sons? Hillman brilliantly proposes that the madness of Oedipus may lie less in his overt crimes than in his—and therapy’s—single-minded focus upon “figuring out” one’s true identity through a remembering of the past. This relentless search for Oedipus to “know himself” is still with us, still blinds us, still tries to turn people in therapy into Oedipus. Yet Hillman also shows us that, in addition to the curse, murder, incest, and disease, the myth of Oedipus contains beauty, blessing, love, and loyalty.