Uniform Edition Vol. 6
Edited and with an introduction
Clothbound, 336 pages, $38
ISBN: 978-0-88214-584-6
Softcover, 338 pages, $20
ISBN: 978-0-88214-951-6
Kindle/Apple Books, $9.99
ISBN: 978-0-88214-555-6
Mythic Figures, Volume 6 (previously Volume 6.1) of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman, collects Hillman’s papers and lectures on many of the leading figures in mythology, including Aphrodite, Apollo, Athene, Dionysus, Hera, Hestia, Hermes, Oedipus, Okeanos, Orpheus, Mars, Moses, and Zeus. Myths have relevance to psychology because the Greeks, as Hillman writes, “had no depth psychology and psychopathology such as we have. They had myths. And we have no myths as such—instead, depth psychology and psychopathology. Therefore, … psychology shows myths in modern dress and myths show our depth psychology in ancient dress.”