Browse by title
“Abandoning the Child”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“About Epistrophē and Therapy: Some Notes”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“A Brief Account”
UE 1: Archetypal Psychology
“Aesthetic Complexity”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Aesthetics and Politics”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Aesthetic Response as Political Action”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Alchemical Blue and the Unio Mentalis”
UE 5: Alchemical Psychology
“… And Huge Is Ugly:
Zeus and the Titans”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“An Education in Psychology”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Animal Presence:
A Conversation with Jonathan White”
UE 9: Animal Presences
“An Inquiry into Image”
UE 4: From Types to Images
“Anima Mundi: Return of the Soul to the World”
UE 2: City & Soul
“A Note on Hermes Inflation”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“A Note on Story”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Apollo, Dream, Reality”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“A Psychology of Transgression
Drawn from an
Incest Dream:
Imagining the Case”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“A Snake Is Not a Symbol”
UE 9: Animal Presences
“Athene, Ananke, and the Necessity of Abnormal Psychology”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“Bachelard’s Lautréamont,
Or Psychoanalysis Without a Patient”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Back to Beyond: On Cosmology”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Beauty and War: An Exploration”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
UE 3: Senex & Puer
“Bibliography of Archetypal Psychology”
UE 1: Archetypal Psychology
“Broken Voices”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Carus and Jung”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
UE 2: City & Soul
“C. G. Jung’s Contribution to ‘Feelings and Emotions’:
Synopsis and Implication”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
UE 2: City & Soul
“City and Soul”
UE 2: City & Soul
“City, Soul, and Myth”
UE 2: City & Soul
“City, Sport, and Violence”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Coda: A Note on Methodology”
UE 3: Senex & Puer
“Commentary to Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man
by Gopi Krishna”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Concerning the Stone:
Alchemical Images of the Goal”
UE 5: Alchemical Psychology
“Cosmology for Soul:
From Universe to Cosmos”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Depression, or Melancholy without the Gods”
UE 11: On Melancholy & Depression
“Dionysus in Jung’s Writings”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“Dreaming Outside of Ourselves”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Egalitarian Typologies vs.
the Perception of the Unique”
UE 4: From Types to Images
“Entertaining Ideas”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Extending the Family
(From Entrapment to Embrace)”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Farewell to Welfare”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Figuring the Future”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Friends and Enemies”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“From Mirror to Window:
Curing Psychoanalysis
of its Narcissism”
UE 2: City & Soul
to Inscapes of the Child’s World by John Allan
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
to The Cocaine Papers by Sigmund Freud
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Further Consideration for MARTA”
UE 2: City & Soul
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Goals for Dallas”
UE 2: City & Soul
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Good Mother Earth:
Imaginal or Literal”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“Ground Zero: A Reading”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Hera, Goddess of Marriage”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“Hermetic Intoxication”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“Horses and Heroes”
UE 9: Animal Presences
“How Do We Stay Psychological?”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Human Being as Human Animal:
A Correspondence with John Stockwell”
UE 9: Animal Presences
“ ‘I Am as I Am Not’: A Foreword to Heraclitus”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Imagining Buffalo”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Imagining Dallas”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Imagination Is Bull”
UE 9: Animal Presences
“In Favor of Babel”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“In: Hestia’s Proposition”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“Introduction: Mother and Great Mother”
from The Rag Bone Shop of the Heart
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Is the Future an American Addiction”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Joseph Campbell: Myth as Hero”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“Jung’s Daimonic Inheritance”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Justice, Beauty, and Destiny
as Foundations for an Ecological Psychology”
UE 2: City & Soul
See “Commentary to Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man
by Gopi Krishna”
“Landscape: A Psychological Inquiry”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Laughter and Silence”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Legitimation of Fear”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Let the Creatures Be:
A Conversation with Thomas Moore”
UE 9: Animal Presences
“Letter for the Program of The Mythic Imagination”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Life and Death in Analysis”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Lions and Tigers, or Why There Are Two Great Cats”
UE 9: Animal Presences
“Look Out: Three Occasions
of Public Excitation”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Loving the Community and Work”
from The Rag Bone Shop of the Heart
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Loving the World Anyway”
UE 2: City & Soul
“ ‘Man Is by Nature a Political Animal’:
Patient as Citizen”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Marriage, Intimacy, Freedom”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Millennial Psychology”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
UE 2: City & Soul
“Moses, Alchemy, Authority”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“Natural Beauty Without Nature”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Need, Want, Desire:
Levels of Passion
in the Progress of Life”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Negative Senex and a Renaissance Solution”
UE 3: Senex & Puer
“Notes on Opportunism”
UE 3: Senex & Puer
“Notes on Verticality: Creation, Transcendence,
Ambition, Erection, Inflation”
UE 3: Senex & Puer
“Now You See Them, Now You Don’t:
A Conversation between the Author and the Artist”
UE 9: Animal Presences
“Oedipus Revisited”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“Of Milk … and Monkeys”
UE 3: Senex & Puer
“Old and New: Senex and Puer”
UE 3: Senex & Puer
“On Culture and Chronic Disorder”
UE 2: City & Soul
“On Paranoia”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“On Psychological Knowledge”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“On Senex Consciousness”
UE 3: Senex & Puer
“On Show-Business Ethics”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“On Social Justice”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“On Teaching and Learning”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“On the Psychology of Parapsychology”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“Peaks and Vales: The Soul/Spirit Distinction
as Basis for the Differences between
Psychotherapy and Spiritual Discipline”
UE 3: Senex & Puer
“Pink Madness or
Why Does Aphrodite
Drive Men Crazy
with Pornography?”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“Pittsburgh: City as Patient”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Plotinus, Ficino, and Vico
as Precursors of Archetypal Psychology”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Pothos: The Nostalgia of the Puer Eternus”
UE 3: Senex & Puer
“Power and Gemeinschaftsgefühl”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Psychology: Monotheistic or Polytheistic?”
UE 1: Archetypal Psychology
“Psychology: Monotheistic or Polytheistic?
Twenty-Five Years Later”
UE 1: Archetypal Psychology
“Psychology, Self, and Community”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Puer Wounds and Odysseus’s Scar”
UE 3: Senex & Puer
UE 5: Alchemical Psychology
“Schism as Differing Visions”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Segregation of Beauty”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Selling Out to Developers”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Senex and Puer: An Aspect of the Historical
and Psychological Present”
UE 3: Senex & Puer
“Sex Talk: Imagining a New Male Sexuality”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Silver and the White Earth”
UE 5: Alchemical Psychology
“Some Early Background to Jung’s Ideas”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Soul and Money”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Speaking Well and Speaking Out”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Suicide and the City”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Talking as Walking”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Ten Core Ideas”
UE 2: City & Soul
“The Animal Kingdom in the Human Dream”
UE 9: Animal Presences
“The Azure Vault:
Caelum as Experience”
UE 5: Alchemical Psychology
“The Art of the Soul”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“The Bad Mother:
An Archetypal Approach”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“The Call of the God Okeanos”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“The Cost of the Ugly”
UE 2: City & Soul
“The Courage to Risk Failure”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“The Elephant in The Garden of Eden”
UE 9: Animal Presences
“The Great Mother, Her Son,
Her Hero, and the Puer”
UE 3: Senex & Puer
“The Heartbreak of America”
UE 2: City & Soul
“The Imagination of Air
and the Collapse
of Alchemy”
UE 5: Alchemical Psychology
“The Inside of Strategies: Athene”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“The Measure of Events:
Proclus’s Proposition 117
in View of an Archetypal Psychology”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“The Natural, the Literal, and the Real”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“The Psychology of Precaution”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“The Rat”
UE 9: Animal Presences
“The Repression of Beauty”
UE 2: City & Soul
“The Resistance to Mathematics”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“The Right to Remain Silent”
UE 2: City & Soul
“The Seduction of Black”
UE 5: Alchemical Psychology
“The Street Corner:
Gods, Disease, Politics”
UE 2: City & Soul
“The Suffering of Salt”
UE 5: Alchemical Psychology
“The Therapeutic Value of Alchemical Language:
A Heated Introduction”
UE 5: Alchemical Psychology
“Therapy: A Work of Civilization or Culture?”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“The Virtues of Caution”
UE 2: City & Soul
“The Wildman in the Cage: Comment”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“The Yellowing of the Work”
UE 5: Alchemical Psychology
“Thompson Must Address Questions”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Three Conversations with Edward S. Casey”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Three Seminars on Melancholy & Depression”
UE 11: On Melancholy & Depression
“Three Ways of Failure and Analysis”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Toward the Archetypal Model for the Masturbation Inhibition”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
“Training and the C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations
UE 2: City & Soul
UE 2: City & Soul
“Wars, Arms, Rams, Mars”
UE 6: Mythic Figures
“Welcoming Toast to Soviet Guests”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Where Is the Environment?”
UE 2: City & Soul
“Why ‘Archetypal Psychology’?”
UE 1: Archetypal Psychology
“You Dirty Dog!”
UE 9: Animal Presences
“You Taught Me Language”
UE 8: Philosophical Intimations
“Your Emotions Are Not Yours:
Arts Therapy and the Disabled”
UE 7: Inhuman Relations